tiistai 18. joulukuuta 2012

Testing, Testing... Eating

Teinpäs tällaisen testin tässä joutessani.

Do I have an eating disorder?

You have scored 32.

Do you feel in control of your eating behaviour? Most of the time you do, but there is some anxiety that has crept into your relationship with food: this is showing up in your eating behaviour. Are you aware of how much energy you are putting into controlling your eating habits? Take care that this does not become a full-time preoccupation with how much you weight and how much you are trying not to eat.

There is a direct connection between how relaxed you are with food and your general self-esteem. If your confidence is a little shaky, controlling your eating behaviour can be a diversionary tactic. Try to work out what it is that is really bothering you. Or what your real coping difficulties are.

You are sensitive to all the conflicting messages around you concerning food and weight. You may feel that you cannot accept yourself unless you are a certain size. Relax a little and learn to accept yourself as you are. If you restrain your food intake too much, this is bound to have a rebound effect sooner or later. It is also confusing listening to all the conflicting advice out there about what healthy eating really means. 

Do you feel less of a person if you are not following some kind of obscure dietary regime?. Again, learn to relax, and listen to your body. Be kind to yourself. The old adage, 'a little of what you fancy does you good', still holds true. Food is a means to a happy healthy life - not an end in itself. 

Osu ja uppos! Testin voi tehdä täällä. Ja vielä selvennykseksi, minä en todellakaan ajattele, että mulla  syömishäiriötä olisi. Tein tuon testin vaan huvin vuoksi, mutta totuudenmukaisesti. Luulen, että tuo sama tulos tulee aika monelle, jotka miettii mitä syö.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Mä sain yhdeksän pistettä ja teksti alkoi sanalla 'Congratulations'. :')

    1. Jotenkin ei ollut yllätys tuo siun vastaus! :) Sulla on niin selvät sävelet siun oman syömisen suhteen, ja pysyt siinä mikä on just sulle hyväksi. Se on kyllä ihailtavaa.

  2. Oih kiitti vinkistä Freya, tää pitää tehdä kans joskus!! :)

    1. Kyllä tosiaan ainakin mulla melko paikkansapitävä, pitäisi alkaa kiinnittää huomiota noihin juttuihin vieläkin enemmän. :)


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